We are so thankful for Scofield Christian School and for the Godly education that each teacher and staff provides. The Christmas Love Bonus is an extra way to give back to all teachers and staff who work with our kids in and out of the classrooms every day. Whether it is bandaging a scraped knee, helping in carpool, serving in the lunchroom, or monitoring kids at recess, all of our teachers support our students in various ways around campus.
This Love Bonus is 100% optional and can be in lieu of or in addition to a personal gift to your child's teacher. Please consider what your family might contribute this Christmas. All donations will be combined with additional PTF funds and given to teachers at the end of November as an extra "Love Bonus" for the holidays.
We would appreciate receiving your donations by Friday, November 22. Please let us know if you have any questions!
To make a voluntary monetary donation, please click the button below, which will direct you to PayPal. Then, simply login, click "send" and enter info.scsptf@gmail.com to send a donation amount of your choice. Please consider adding 3% to your donation to help us cover PayPal fees.
Cash and check can be dropped at the front office in an enveloped labeled "PTF Christmas Love Bonus."
​(remember to login to PayPal, click "send" and enter info.scsptf@gmail.com to make a donation)​
Note: All funds go directly to Scofield Christian School Staff. Scofield Christian School Parent Teacher Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) organization and all monetary donations may be considered a tax deduction.